Dear Patients:
After three decades as a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist, I have retired effective December 19, 2023 and am no longer able to accept new patients or prescribe or renew any medication prescriptions for those previously under my care. In the preceding eight months, I have helped to make arrangements for continuity of care for all of my active patients with other psychiatrists, primary care physicians and mental health professionals.
For those who received care from me but discontinued treatment or transferred to another mental health professional within the last seven years, I or an appointed custodian will retain your medical record until seven years from the time of our last meeting (or seven years past the age of majority, 18 years of age), after which it will be confidentially destroyed.
If as a former patient you need a summary of care rendered or a copy of all or part of your original file, please contact me at my new email address Please understand that estimated copying and mailing costs must be paid in advance. For treatment summaries, professional service fees @$450 per hour apply.
For those I have had the privilege to serve, I will miss all of you and you have my best wishes for your future health and well-being.
David B. Robinson, M.D., M.P.H.

2239 Jordan Avenue
Juneau, Alaska 99801
907.789.3800 //
Consolidated Direct Psychiatric Care
including Telemedical Services
for Alaska and Oregon
© 2021 David B. Robinson, M.D., M.P.H.